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在bet365最新网址以文学为基础的英语课程中, 学生们学会批判性地阅读, 逻辑思考, 写清楚, 说话要自信. Courses feature diverse authors and 文本 so that students can fortify their understanding of themselves, 其他人, 以及普遍的人类经验. Courses balance a foundation in vocabulary, grammar, and composition with close reading and analysis. 通过丰富的讨论,学生与同行进行学术讨论. 为大学水平的写作做准备, bet365最新网址把写作作为一种反思, 元认知过程作为学生探索诗歌的多种模式, 短篇小说, 文学分析论文, 研究论文, 还有个人作文. Peer evaluation and individual 写作 conferences with the instructor aid the development of authentic voice and style. York provides additional opportunities for creative expression and authentic publishing via Ars Gratia artists, York's Literary Magazine; Cafe Night open mic events; participation in regional Poetry Out Loud competitions; and hosting of visiting authors. 

需求. 在八年级,学生们注册了一整年的英语课程. 在9-12年级,为了获得约克文凭,每年都需要学习英语.
  • 英语我

    文学是一种发现的冒险, 而英文则是I, 学生将专注于以自我发现为中心的故事. 乐观、精力充沛, this class approaches literature as an opportunity for enjoyable collaboration while building the skills of class discussion, 深度阅读, 并为各种各样的读者写作. 学生将探索各种体裁的作品, 作者包括威廉·莎士比亚、哈珀·李和特雷弗·诺亚. Coursework reinforces students’ familiarity with basic elements of literary analysis and introduces them to more advanced analytical concepts, 培养批判性思维
    技能,同时支持英语机制. 学生通过写出优秀的段落来扩大他们的舒适度, advancing to the point of constructing coherent analytical and personal response 论文. The goal of this course is to meet students where they are while exploring the frontiers of their abilities and moving them towards the academic expectations of a challenging high school 英语 curriculum.
  • 英语二世

    Ninth grade 英语 takes students on an unconventional journey through literary history. 从《bet365最新网址》这样古老的作品到21世纪的重述, 学生将研究古代故事如何在bet365最新网址的当代世界产生共鸣. 他们将探索推理小说作为乌苏拉K. 勒吉恩到N. K. Jemison, they will analyze in both graphic memoir and film what it means to come of age in wartime, and they will embody the politically paranoid populace of Macbeth in a Shakespeare acting workshop. 与此同时, students strengthen their argumentative 写作 skills through literary analysis as well as a debate unit, 用道德框架迫使他们提出观点和对立观点. 在课程结束时, students will have the opportunity to reimagine a classic text through any of the storytelling genres they will have encountered along the way.
  • 英语3

    一个人的故事如何影响bet365最新网址,告诉bet365最新网址,改变bet365最新网址,并与bet365最新网址同在? 学生将在英语三中探索故事的力量, a literature-based course that invites students to think deeply and critically about literature while building their strengths of reading, 写作, 说话, 和分析. 学生将阅读小说, 论文, 戏剧, 短篇小说, 和诗歌, 所有这些都着眼于如何构建和解释叙事, 以及故事如何构建bet365最新网址对世界和人类状况的理解. Students also explore and develop their own story as they write and deliver their Sophomore Oration—a York tradition celebrated by our supportive community that bolsters confidence while offering a unique public-说话 experience. 在此重点叙述的力量, 学生们将继续加强他们的精读技能, 深刻的思想家, 敏锐的作家, 以及善于表达的演讲者. 他们会经常写信, 正式和非正式的, 通过分析和个人文章, 期刊, 以及回应论坛. They will also cultivate their abilities to build arguments and think cooperatively through frequent student-led 讨论 and small-group collaborations.
  • 英语四

    在英语四级课程中, 学生们学习大量有关“美国经历”的文学作品,随着时间的推移,这句话的含义变得越来越清晰. 这些精心挑选的文本不仅提供了对美国生活的深刻见解, 他们还提供了各种文学手法和修辞策略的例子. One of the reasons that we read great 文本 and great writers is that our reading fortifies our own 写作. 通过批判性地分析bet365最新网址的作家是如何写作的,bet365最新网址学会了如何更好地写自己. 学生通过短文和短篇写作作业来练习写作, they will strive to use feedback on their earlier projects to make subsequent compositions stronger.
  • 英语IV-YAS

    在英语四级课程中, 学生们学习大量有关“美国经历”的文学作品,随着时间的推移,这句话的含义变得越来越清晰. 这些精心挑选的文本不仅提供了对美国生活的深刻见解, 他们还提供了各种文学手法和修辞策略的例子. One of the reasons that we read great 文本 and great writers is that our reading fortifies our own 写作. 通过批判性地分析bet365最新网址的作家是如何写作的,bet365最新网址学会了如何更好地写自己. 学生通过短文和短篇写作作业来练习写作, they will strive to use feedback on their earlier projects to make subsequent compositions stronger.
    Assignments and assessments in 英语IV-YAS are longer and more challenging than those in regular 英语四. 例如, YAS的学生有额外的项目和补充阅读, including scholarly literary criticism and documents that contextualize the main readings. Finally, YAS students are expected to participate vibrantly and regularly in class 讨论.
  • 英语五:作文

    在第一学期, 所有高年级学生都选修一门以写作为重点的课程, 达到英语四级作文要求. bet365最新网址比以往任何时候都写得更多, 来自非正式的推文, 文本, 而帖子在bet365最新网址的日常生活中更趋向于学院式的正式写作, 研究生院, 职业需求. 每个场景都有不同的背景和受众, 不同的需求, 好的写作能澄清问题, 通知, 和说服. 本课程将使你成为一个更加自信和熟练的作家, 一个更强的修辞分析者, 并成为一个更熟练的写作过程实践者. This is an opportunity for you to take risks, reflect and explore, and develop an authentic voice. Each section of 英语五:作文 will be taught using a critical literary lens to guide and ground our readings, 讨论, 和写作.
  • 中文五:《怪诞剖析

    第二学期侧重于体裁, fiction-centered分析, 完成大四的英文文学要求. 令人毛骨悚然的, 令人毛骨悚然的, 的不可思议的, and the unexplainable will be common threads through reading 和写作 in this course, 以及讨论的灵感, 演讲, 创意项目. In some classes, students read 短篇小说; in 其他人, they write them. We use a variety of critical lenses to drive discussion of how authors develop fear and discomfort in their audience while simultaneously addressing social issues.
  • 中文五:坏地方

    第二学期侧重于体裁, fiction-centered分析, 完成大四的英文文学要求. 与乌托邦的“美好世界”相反, dystopian literature explores how the social and political choices made by individuals and cultures create what is an ultimately nightmarish world; these narratives serve as criticism against real life injustice and tyranny. 在本课程中, 学生参与分析小说和时事, 公民, and the news to better understand the patterns and themes of dystopian storytelling that are so compelling to modern audiences. 学生花时间阅读, 讨论, 批评, and interpreting these events and narratives as well as engaging in creative 写作 of their own.
  • 中文五:民间传说和传说

    每一部迪士尼公主电影, 每一轮血腥玛丽或乌龟和兔子的故事, 数百万人在没有留下一个字的情况下传递了一个故事. 在这个12年级的英语课程中, students examine works that existed first in an oral tradition: fairy tales from around the globe, 北美土著神话, 以及互联网时代的都市传说. Students will also try their own hand at creative storytelling in a fiction workshop with a visiting author. Primary sources as well as critical 文本 will lead students to question the very meaning of authenticity—to ask, “民间”和文学有什么区别? 数字病毒式传播如何反映口头传统? What recurring archetypes underlie the stories human beings tell across all time and space, 这可能会向bet365最新网址揭示bet365最新网址是谁, bet365最新网址一直是谁?



自1959年以来, bet365中文网址 has created an exceptional college-prep experience for our youth: inspiring them to develop intellectual curiosity; challenging them to create and try new things; and preparing them to be passionate contributors in college and in life.